
Journal articles

Van Acker, V., Cornet, Y., Milakis, D., Malichova, E., Ojeda Cabral, M., 2025. Understanding worthwhile travel time: an empirical study of travel experiences across travel modes. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 192, 104336. 
[Open Access] 
Milakis, D., Seiber, D., 2024. The illusion of the shared electric automated mobility transition. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 26, 101171.
[Open Access]
Milakis, D., 2024. Beyond Rockets: transport planning for permanent space settlements. Transport Reviews 44(1): 1-7.
[Open Access]
Kroesen, M., Milakis, D., van Wee, B., 2023. Automated vehicles: Changes in expert opinions over time. Transport Policy 136: 1-10.
[Open Access]
Ryghaug, M., Subotički, I., von Wirth, T., Smeds, E., Scherrer, A., Foulds, C., Robison, R., Bertolini, L., Beyazit, E.,  Brand, R., Cohen-Blankshtain, G., Dijk, M., Freudendal Pedersen, M., Gössling, S., Guzik, R., Kivimaa, P.,  Klöckner, C., Lazarova Nikolova, H., Lis, A., Marquet, O., Milakis, D., Mladenović, M., Mom, G., Mullen, C.,  Ortar, N., Paola, P., Sales Oliveira, C., Schwanen, T., Tuvikene, T., Wentland A., 2023. A Social Sciences and Humanities research agenda for transport and mobility in Europe: key themes and 100 research questions. Transport Reviews 43: 755-779. 
[Open Access]
Brömmelstroet, M., Nikolaeva, A., Mladenovic, M., Milakis, D., Ferreira, A., Verlinghieri, E., Cadima, C., de Abreu e Silva, J., Papa, E., 2022. Have a good trip! Expanding our concepts of the quality of everyday travelling with flow theory. Applied Mobilities 7(4): 352-373.
[Open Access]
Cornet, Y., Lugano, G., Georgouli, Ch., Milakis, D., 2022. Wothwhile travel time: a conceptual of the perceived value of productivity, enjoyment and fitness while travelling. Transport reviews 42(5): 580-603.
[Open Access]  
Nikitas, A., Thomopoulos, N., Milakis, D., 2021. The Environmental and Resource Dimensions of Automated Transport: A Nexus for Enabling Vehicle Automation to Support Sustainable Urban Mobility. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 46: 167-192.
[Open Access] 
Pangbourne, K., Stead, D., Mladenovic, M., Milakis, D., 2020. Questioning Mobility as a Service. Unanticipated societal and governance implications. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 131: 35-49.
[Open Access]

Milakis, D., 2019. Long-term implications of automated vehicles: an introduction. Transport Reviews 39(1): 1-8.
[Open Access] 

Van Goeverden, K., Milakis, D., Janic, M., Konings, R., 2018. Analysis and modelling of performances of the HL (Hyperloop) transport system. European Transport Research Review 10: 41.
[Open Access]

Milakis, D., Kroesen, M., van Wee, B., 2018. Implications of automated vehicles for accessibility and location choices: Evidence from an expert-based experiment. Journal of Transport Geography 68: 142-148.

Nieuwenhuijsen, J, Correia, G., Milakis, D. van Arem, B., van Daalen, E., 2018. Towards a quantitative method to analyze the long-term innovation diffusion of automated vehicles technology using system dynamics. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 86: 300-327.
[Open Access] 

Milakis, D. van Arem, B., van Wee, B., 2017. Policy and society related implications of automated driving: A review of literature a directions for future research. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning and Operations 21(4) 324-348. 
[Open Access]

Milakis, D., Snelder, M., van Arem, B., van Wee, B., Correia, G., 2017. Development and transport implications of automated vehicles in the Netherlands: Scenarios for 2030 and 2050. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 17(1): 63-85.
[Open Access]

Silva, C., Berttolini, L., te Brömmelstroet, Milakis, D., Papa, E. 2017. Accessibility instruments in planning practice: Bridging the implementation gap. Transport Policy 53: 135-145.

Te Brömmelstroet, M., Curtis, C., Larsson, A., Milakis, D., 2016. Strengths and weaknesses of accessibility instruments in planning practice: Technological rules based on experiential workshops. European Planning Studies 24(6): 1175-1196.
[Open Access]

Milakis, D., Cervero, R., van Wee, B., 2015. Stay local or go regional? Urban form effects on vehicle use at different spatial scales: A theoretical concept and its application to the San Francisco Bay Area. Journal of Transport and Land Use 8 (2): 59-86.
[Open Access]

Milakis, D., Cervero, R., van Wee, B., Maat, K. 2015. Do people consider an acceptable travel time? Evidence from Berkeley, CA. Journal of Transport Geography 44: 76-86.

Milakis, D., 2015. Will Greeks cycle? Exploring intention and attitudes in the case of the new bicycle network of Patras. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 9(5): 321-334.

Book chapters

Milakis, D. Gebhardt, L., Ehebrecht, D., Lenz, B., 2020. Is micro-mobility sustainable? An overview of implications for accessibility, air pollution, safety, physical activity and subjective wellbeing. In: Curtis, C. (ed.), Handbook of Sustainable Transport. UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 180-189.

Van Wee, B., Milakis, D., Thomopoulos, N., 2020. Overall Synthesis and Conclusions. In: Milakis, D., Thomopoulos, N., van Wee, B. (eds.), Policy implications of autonomous vehicles. The Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 315-326.
[Open Access]

Mladenovic, M., Stead, D., Milakis, D., Pangbourne, K., Givoni, M., 2020. Governance cultures and sociotechnical imaginaries of self-driving vehicle technology: comparative analysis of Finland, UK and Germany. In: Milakis, D., Thomopoulos, N., van Wee, B. (eds.), Policy implications of autonomous vehicles. The Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 235-262.
[Open Access]

Milakis, D., van Wee, B., 2020. Implications of vehicle automation for accessibility and social inclusion of people on low income, people with physical and sensory disabilities and older people. In: Antoniou, C., Efthymiou, D., Chaniotakis, E. (eds.), Demand for Emerging Transportation Systems. Modeling Adoption, Satisfaction, and Mobility Patterns. The Netherlands: Elsevier, pp. 61-73.
[Open Access] 

Te Brömmelstroet, M., Milakis, D., Curtis, C., 2019. Mapping real experiences with accessibility instruments: a methodological approach to improve their design. In: Silva, C., Bertolini, L., Pinto, N. (eds.), Designing accessibility instruments. Lessons on their usability for integrated land use and transport planning practices. UK: Routledge, pp. 82-91.

Milakis, D., te Brömmelstroet, M., 2019. General experiences with accessibility instruments for integrated land use and transport planning. In: Silva, C., Bertolini, L., Pinto, N. (eds.), Designing accessibility instruments. Lessons on their usability for integrated land use and transport planning practices. UK: Routledge, pp. 92-105.

Silva, C., te Brömmelstroet, M., Milakis, D., Papa, E., 2019. Bottlenecks blocking use of accessibility instruments – Exploring usability, usefulness and institutional barriers. In: Silva, C., Bertolini, L., Pinto, N. (eds.), Designing accessibility instruments. Lessons on their usability for integrated land use and transport planning practices. UK: Routledge, pp. 202-222.

Pangbourne, K. Stead. D., Mladenović, M., Milakis, D., 2018. The case of Mobility as a Service: A critical reflection on challenges for urban transport and mobility governance. In: Marsden, G., Reardon, l. (eds), Governance of the Smart mobility Transition. UK: Emerald, pp. 33-48.
[Open Access]

Sivaramakrishnan S., Smith, S., Milakis, D., 2016. Implications of Vehicle Automation for Planning. In: Meyer, G., Sven Beiker, S., Road Vehicle Automation 3. Berlin: Springer, pp. 287-295.
[Open Access]

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