Our new article with Maarten Kroesen and Bert Van Wee on
accessibility implications of AVs is featured in Elsevier’s latest key research list on AVs and is now offered free to access until September 30, 2018 (available
In this article, we applied Q-method among a sample of 17
international accessibility experts and concluded that changes in accessibility
because of automated vehicles are expected to (a) be highly uncertain, (b)
induce both densification and further sprawl, (c) be distributed unequally
among social groups.
Here is the abstract of the article:
In this paper, possible accessibility impacts of fully
automated vehicles (AVs) are explored. A conceptual framework for those impacts
is developed based on the model of four accessibility components (i.e. land use,
transport, temporal and individual) of Geurs and van Wee (2004). Q-method is
applied among a sample of seventeen international accessibility experts to
explore heterogeneity among experts with respect to the impacts of AVs on
accessibility, and study different views and clusters of experts. Q-method
statements are deductively categorized according to four accessibility
components of the conceptual framework. Three viewpoints were extracted,
indicating that experts expect AVs to influence accessibility through all four
accessibility components. Viewpoint A expects that accessibility benefits
stemming from AVs will be highly uncertain, mainly because of induced travel
demand that will likely cancel out travel time and cost savings of AVs in the
long term. Viewpoint B anticipates that accessibility changes because of AVs
will have two opposing implications for urban form: densification of city
center and further urban sprawl. Finally, viewpoint C expects that those who
can afford an AV will mainly enjoy AVs benefits, thus AVs will have more
negative than positive implications for social equity.
Keywords: Fully automated vehicles, Vehicle sharing,
Accessibility, Location choices, Q-method. Viewpoints