New article: Will Greeks Cycle? Exploring Intention and Attitudes in the Case of the New Bicycle Network of Patras
Abstract: In this paper, social psychology methods were employed to explore the
intention of a Greek city's residents to use a new bicycle network for
their mobility needs, the factors affecting this intention, and the
residents’ attitudes towards the environment, car use and alternative
means of transport. A strong intention to use the new bicycle network
was found, complemented by pro-environment, pro-alternative means of
transport views and realization of car-related problems. The
construction of the bicycle network, along with soft cycle-promotion
policies and car-restriction measures, may strengthen the Perceived
Behavioural Control and Attitude and, consequently, this intention.
Keywords: Patras-Greece, new bicycle network, theory of planned behaviour, intntion, perceived behavioural control
Keywords: Patras-Greece, new bicycle network, theory of planned behaviour, intntion, perceived behavioural control