Planning through cyclists’ eyes...
Tuesday, February 19th 2013
12:00 - 1:00 pm
316D Wurster Hall
IURD | UC Berkeley
Planning through cyclists’ eyes:
Exploring intention to cycle and cyclists’ route preferences in the Greek context
Exploring intention to cycle and cyclists’ route preferences in the Greek context
Abstract: Greek cities represent a typical example of the
“paradox of intensification”. Although they are compact, car-restriction
policies are absent, while cycle infrastructure are extremely limited,
resulting in low levels of bicycle use. Younger age social groups have recently begun demanding more cycle infrastructures, while some local municipalities have
developed new cycle networks. Public acceptance is a key factor for the success
of these initiatives. The lecture will present two studies aimed: a) to explore,
through social psychology methods, the intention of a Greek city’s residents to
use a new cycle network (Milakis, 2013) and b) to plan the metropolitan cycle network of Athens
using participative multicriteria methods (Milakis et al., 2012). New evidence on the relationship
between attitudes, norms, Perceived Behavioural Control, habit and intentions to
cycle are presented, along with a methodological way to explore what is
important from the cyclist’s point of view in cycle network planning.
D., (2013). Will Greeks cycle? Exploring intention
and attitudes in the case of the new bicycle network of Patras.
D., Athanasopoulos, K.,
Vafeiadis, E.,
Vasileiadis, K.,
Th., (2012). Planning of the Athens metropolitan cycle
network using participative multicriteria
GIS analysis. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 48: 816-826.